Let’s celebrate the expertise in the grounds sector

This week is Grounds Week, dedicated to celebrating grounds managers, operatives and apprentices.


It is sometimes difficult to see what people in the grounds sector do, and green spaces can often be taken for granted, as if they are maintained by magic.


However, the wealth of expertise involved in creating a green space arena is vast.


Did you know?


To be able to treat weeds maintenance teams require specialist PA1 and PA6 training. This is carried out via a two-day course, which includes practical and written exams.


in January Chequers was busy training 28 teams to ensure we have adequate resources and cover for when the weed season starts in earnest in March.


Did you know?


Japanese knotweed is an invasive weed – also known as the ‘ASBO plant’!


In summer it can reach hights of more than 7ft, suppressing all other plant growth. Its eradication requires determination, as it is very hard to remove by hand, or with chemicals, and new legislation now covers its control.


It is included in an amendment to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which says that, while it is not illegal to have Japanese knotweed on your property, you should aim to control it in order to prevent it becoming a problem in your neighbourhood.


If it has a ‘detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality’, the legislation could be used to enforce its control and property owners may be prosecuted.


This is not an uncommon issue to have but, with the right expertise, it is completely possible to resolve it.


Chequers has a dedicated in-house Japanese knotweed team trained to identify and treat the plant over the course of a three-year programme.  This programme includes lots of specialist work, including certification and permits from the Environment Agency.

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